Photos of Kate Pregnant in Mustique on Holiday with Middletons

Here are some of the photos of Kate and William holidaying in Mustique. They are snapped almost every time, and I think it offends William and Kate's intelligence to think they are shocked that these were leaked. Ultimately, it must have been worth the risk for them.

Again, I reiterate that the topless photos published were absolutely offensive crossing a very clear line of decency.  I am surprised there even was an official complaint, unless the papers are blowing the royal response out of proportion.  We all knew there would be photos before they even left! Perhaps, they are trying to capitalize on the shock we all rightly feel about the earlier incident in France, but these scenarios aren't the same and I think it ill reflect poorly on the royals to complain too much. These photos are not a shocking breach of privacy to you, me, or the royals, given the circumstances and I am sorry if anyone is offended.

My comment from facebook:
I have received emails from a few of you complaining that I posted he holiday shots of Kate.  The fact is, every person who follows Kate fuels the demand for these paparazzi photos. You can't pick and choose when you are given your approval for celebrity status to be applied to Kate. I was and am vehemently against the nude photos of Kate, which were a shocking assault on her privacy and her dignity, but these are not the same and it is ludicrous for anyone to attempt to argue otherwise. Lastly, as a Kate blog, I blog so you can see what I know, hear, and find, and so that you may have faster and easier access to information you may or may not be able to get on your own. It does not seem fair that I should find the photos and view them, but then say I am above letting you see them. That would be unfair and hypocritical at best. My operating procedure has always been to share with you all photos of Kate that I would secretly or publicly be excited to see myself. I looked forward to Mustique shots all week while they were away and so I posted them. This has always been my "platform" and will remain so. 


[Updated] Chi Magazine Publishes Pregnant Kate Bikini Shots from Mustique

I don't mean to sound like a spoiled and egocentric individual, but I am supremely bored by the indignant cries against the photos of the Middleton vacation this past week, which will surface any day now. The Middletons have been vacationing on Mustique the past seven years and we have had photos of one kind or another almost every year.  What makes anyone think, in the present economy, that lucrative snaps won't come to light this year? It is ludicrous to assume otherwise. Furthermore, the many people who are so indignant that these photos will be printed are the same people who drive up demand for them. If you follow Kate's public engagements you contribute to her celebrity and by direct effect, pap shots.

Darren McGrady, former chef to Queen Elizabeth II, has been tweeting today about this whole uproar and he kept it simple--as one must in 140 characters or less:

Lisa was also a voice of reason and reality:

In no way do I condone the nude photos of Kate that were sold. That should have been a judgement call first on the part of the photographer and then on the part of every decent publisher, not to allow such degrading photos to see publicity. The difference here is very stark to me, and I just don't have an overwhelming problem with it. I wrote this post in 2011, but I still believe everything I said in it. Although, I mention Mustique as a place the royals can find privacy, I do not believe it is a sacred space of freedom. If photographers get beach snaps, that's life. William is a multi-millionaire and can afford to pay for full and complete privacy when the spirit moves him.

I will share the Mustqiue photos here on this blog, as I have posted the many other holiday pictures in the past.

Jim Geovedi, Hacker Indonesia Yang Terkenal di Dunia

Image by:
You’ll Never Walk Alone – Hacker memang sudah merajalela dimana-mana, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Semenjak kasus Wildan, seorang pengganti tampilan situs resmi presiden, pun merebak, beberapa orang mulai mengaitkannya dengan deretan hacker atau peretas top Indonesia zaman dahuluuu

Memang, banyak pihak yang mengatakan bahwa ilmu Wildan masih belum bisa dikatakan pro, namun tidak sedikit pula yang mengatakan bahwa dia sudah tergolong pakar.
Terlepas dari pro atau tidaknya Wildan sebagai seorang hacker, beberapa tahun lalu ada seorang peretas dari Indonesia yang berhasil membuat banyak pihak tercengang. Dia bukan meretas bank atau toko online atau sekadar situs milik presiden saja. Yang dia lakukan adalah langsung meretas satelit.
Hacker satu ini bernama Jim Geovedi ( Keahlian dia dalam dunia peretasan menjadi pembicaraan banyak pihak, bahkan dia juga pernah menjadi pembicara dalam pertemuan hacker internasional.

Memang aksi peretasan satelit ini bukan dilakukan atas dasar iseng atau sejenisnya. Jim melakukan hal tersebut karena pada tahun 2006 (BBC News - 2006) dia pernah menjadi pembicara atas isu keamanan satelit. Dari hal tersebut, Jim mencoba mempelajari sistem dan proses kerja satelit yang akhirnya dia dapat melakukannya. Tidak hanya dapat mengubah arahnya saja, Jim juga mampu menggeser satelit yang dia 'lumpuhkan' tersebut. pernah mengulas bahwa Jim mendapatkan kemampuan hackernya ini tidak karena sekolah tinggi atau mempunyai gelar IT. Dia mempelajari sistem internet dan komputer secara otodidak dan pergaulannya yang luas dengan hacker-hacker dunia.

Setelah aksinya meretas satelit tersebut, pada bulan Januari 2009 silam (The Register - 2009), hasil penelitian atas kelemahan sistem satelit yang dia dapatkan dijadikan acuan salah satu topik pembicaraan dalam Black Hat Security Conference di Washington, D.C.

Uniknya, Jim tidak mau disebut sebagai pakar IT atau ahli. Dia lebih suka dianggap sebagai pengamat atau partisipan aktif saja. Sekarang ini, Jim menetap di London dan mendirikan perusahaan jasa layanan sekuritas teknologi informasi.

Tentunya, apabila pemerintah mau sedikit jeli, banyak ahli komputer dan IT di Indonesia ini yang mempunyai keahlian di atas rata-rata. Apabila mereka diberdayakan, maka teknologi IT di negara ini tidak akan kalah dengan negara lain.

Nah, itulah Jim Geovedi, seorang hacker Indonesia yang terkenal di dunia seperti dikutip dari Terima kasih sudah membaca artikel ini. Mohon maaf bila banya terdapat kekurangan. Semoga bermanfaat.

7 Acara TV Indonesia Yang Mendidik

You’ll Never Walk Alone – Saat ini televisi sudah menjadi media elektronik yang paling digemari. Dengan televisi kita dapat menerima informasi secara visual maupun audio. Dan tentunya ada beberapa acara televisi yang mendidik pemirsanya. Nah, berikut ini Saya merangkumnya dalam 7 Acara TV Indonesia Yang Mendidik versi You’ll Never Walk Alone.

1. Apa Kabar Indonesia
Apa Kabar Indonesia adalah sebuah acara talkshow informatif yang hadir menyapa pemirsanya setiap hari di TV One pada pukul 06.30 dan pukul 21.00 WIB. Segala informasi ada disini, mulai dari sosial, politik, ekonomi, hingga dunia olahraga.

2. On The Spot
Inilah salah satu acara yang menyajikan pengetahuan dan fakta-fakta unik favorit favorit kaaula muda. Informasinya bervariasi, mulai dari info-info yang lucu, mengagumkan, menegangkan, hingga yang menyeramkan. Informasi di acara ini biasanya disajikan dalam bentuk video yang diambil dari youtube dengan ditemani suara narator yang khas. Acara ini hadir setiap hari Senin - Jumat pukul 19.15 dan Sabtu pukul 19.45 di Trans 7.

3. Wide Shot
Informasinya aktual, cepat, lugas, dan yang pastinya menambah pengetahuan kita. Acara ini hadir menemani pemirsanya setiap hari Senin - Jumat mulai pukul 13.00 hingga pukul 17.00 WIB di Metro TV. Acara ini juga lebih dekat dengan pemirsanya, karena pemirsa dapat mengirimkan sebuah video yang berisi liputan info/berita yang disampaikan oleh dirinya sendiri. Pemirsa juga dapat mengirimkan masukkan, ide, komentar dan lain-lain melalui Twitter atau Facebook yang update ditampilkan di layar televisi.

4. Ranking 1
Dari judulnya sendiri sudah jelas, bahwa acara ini sangat mendidik, khususnya bagi kaum pelajar. Ranking 1 hadir setiap hari Senin sampai Jumat mulai pukul 07.30 pagi, dengan duet host Ruben Onsu dan Sarah Sechan serta Professor Sogi yang setia menemani Peserta Rankiing 1 pada babak praktikum.

5. Ragam Indonesia
Acara ini membahas tentang keanekargaman budaya, makanan, dan semua adat-istiadat yang ada di Indonesia. Acara ini juga mendidik kita untuk cinta dan bangga pada bangsa Indonesia. Setiap Senin - Jumat mulai pukul 06.00 WIB di Trans TV, acara ini menyapa pemirsanya.

6. Mozaik Islam
Acara ini hadir setiap hari Sabtu dan Minggu mulai pukul 07.30 WIB di Trans TV. Mozaik Islam hadir menyapa pemirsanya dengan suguhan informasi bernuansa Islami yang menyejukkan hati. Acara ini biasanya menyajikan kisah-kisah inspiratif, baik orang-orang zaman kini maupun para pendahulu kita, dan lain sebagainya. Biasanya selalu ada nasihat atau pesan-pesan serta hadis Quran yang dibacakan oleh suara khas narator.

7. Orang Pinggiran
Orang Pinggiran merupakan program acara semi dokumenter yang bercerita mengenai perjuangan dan kegigihan orang pinggiran untuk bisa bertahan hidup meskipun kehidupan mereka terus tergerus oleh perkembangan zaman. Acara ini hadir setiap Senin - Jumat mulai pukul 17.30 WIB di Trans 7.

Catatan: Jadwal acara TV dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan.

Nah, itulah 7 Acara TV Indonesia Yang Mendidik versi You'll Never Walk Alone. Mohon maaf bila banyak terdapat kekurangan atau kesalahan. Semoga bermanfaat.

Fun in the Sun: Middletons are on Mustique...bikini edition.

You won't be seeing Kate today, because she is holidaying on her favorite island Mustique.  William slipped away to the tropic retreat with his wife and the two are staying in a luxury villa, per usual.  Michael and Carole are also reportedly there, although, they have rented a separate villa, as you would imagine   I heard rumors this morning that Pippa is also vacationing, which would make sense. Mom and Dad are escaping the winter blues to holiday with sis and brother-in-law, yeah, I think I would also be hopping a jet to join in the fun. Plus, this seems to be a bit of a yearly thing for their family, last year they vacationed on Mustique mid/late January.

I can't imagine there won't be pictures, there always are. It was announced today that Kate will undertake her first official public engagement since the baby eruption on February 19th for Action on Addiction. Baby eruption is probably a poor choice of words... :)

After what, by all reports, was an absolutely miserable first trimester, it must be nice to soak up some sun and warmth and sip a non-alcoholic cocktail.  I do not begrudge her the break.

The Middletons and royals have long been major fans of Mustique.  Read more about the island and her royal appeal on my earlier post, here. Just below are shots of Kate holidaying with William and friends on Mustique when she was 24 and he was 23!

Remember Kate's rather colorful uncle, Gary Goldsmith?  He has that beautiful home on Ibiza, so Kate, William, and her family were holidaying there in 2006, when these now fairly famous white bikini shots were taken. So much PDAing here, I couldn't resist.

Sisters: Kate and Pippa sun on the boat. Michael Middleton in background.

Here, (below) at 27 years old in 2008, Kate was back with Wills again in Mustique.

They go every year, but we don't always get beach shots, which I have focused on. Giving you some thinspiration. Start now or you won't be ready by the spring...

Just last year in January, the Middletons took off to Mustique with William and Kate for a vacation I posted on here, and below is an extremely grainy long lens of the new Duchess lunching with her family.

Fun times, fun times. Hopefully, they are all enjoying a lovely time, and Kate will be tanned and healthy when she pops back home to make her big appearance on the 19th.

Kate at September 29, 2012 Wedding

I think I may be losing my mind. I know I saw the photos of Michael Middleton giving Thierry Kelaart away and I knew the Middletons were there, but I don't think I posted on this appearance  Obviously, we have seen the dress before, but that hat made me sit up and say, what? I never got a chance to weigh in on such a chapeau. This was the wedding not long after their last tour, henceforth known as, Island Tour.  My brain slows down when I am tired, so I guess I saw Michael with the bride and then moved on. Very weird. It is never too late to fix an oversight.

via Daily Mail
Kate wore this grey, embroidered Erdem to the Trouping of the Colour 2012. I didn't love it then, and I am not crazy about it here, but it is the hat that disappoints.  That is flat-flop pancake à la Pippa if ever I saw one. We know Kate can do the angled hat with a little more omph.

Pippa debuted this unsatisfactory look with that hat and pea green coat last year. It looked really bad, I will refrain from panning it a second time, but it was a major disaster in my book.

This wedding, however, Pippa was the girl with her act together, and Kate was just a little below par.  I really like the neutral colors of Pippa's palette and the dress looks lovely. Her fascinator is interesting and definitive. It doesn't look like a hat that just lost its will to live right before the ceremony... Good on Pippa! Too often she gets the bad rap.

The Matriarch of the clan was stunning, as is usual. That woman never seems to put a foot wrong. We all make the occasional fashion faux-pas. I know I do, but Carole gives us all hope that someday we will have learned from the mistakes.

All this being said, I still feel like I reported on this, but I have scoured this blog and have found nothing.  If I have forgotten, perhaps you have, too. I am off for some tea to clear my head...

Get the best recount of the wedding at the DM here.

Old Photos of Kate Shopping at Burlington Arcade

The first week of November was very busy for me, so these shots of Kate slipped by.  These are old photos of Kate shopping at the Burlington Arcade in Mayfair on November 7, 2012. I did cover her evening excursion on the same day, but I like these photos much, much better. Enjoy.

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