Middletons in Scotland, Pippa in Whistles...

Birkhall, Scottish Estate of the Prince of Wales

Several sources are reporting that Michael and Carole Middleton joined their daughter and royal son-in-law at the Scottish estate of the Prince of Wales for the Summer Bank Holiday weekend.  Birkhall is the private residence of Charles and borders Balmoral so you could say in a way it is part of the compound.  I don't see any reason not to believe these reports, it seems reasonable and we have been expecting a visit to Scotland anyway.  The story is, however, that they spent the weekend at Birkhall, so it sounds more like Charles and Camilla with the in-laws than bonding with the Queen.  I wonder if Kate and William have, or will, make it up another weekend to stay at Balmoral itself.  There is still plenty of time for that as well, so keep your ears peeled.

Pippa Middleton in London. Photo via Zimbio

In Pippa news, she stepped out in London today wearing the same blouse Kate wore for her engagement photos.  Who knows which way this all went.  Some time ago, but after the engagement shoot, Kate was seen buying another exact copy of the engagement blouse.  Did she spill pasta sauce on the first, many wondered?  Now it seems more likely that she either bought the second blouse for Pippa, or since Pippa is capable of doing her own shopping, perhaps she had originally borrowed the blouse from Pippa to begin with and needed her own.   That seems most logical to me, although after using Pippa's blouse for the engagement shoot, perhaps she wanted to keep that one, and bought a replacement for Pippa.  So maybe this is the second blouse Kate bought as a replacement for the one she snagged. All pure conjecture, but whatever the case may be, the jeans have got to go!  I love the bag, though, it looks like Longchamp...

Kate Middleton wearing the now famous blouse. 

I guess it is nice to have these photos because of the blouse mystery, but that aside, enough is enough!  I am tired of the constant Pippa shots.  This, by the way, is the problem Kate faced when trying to hold down a job in London when she was dating William.  If they want to, the Paparazzi can find you on your way to work every day.  I imagine Pippa has been exempt until her rise to fame at the wedding.  I would not be surprised by harassment complaints in the near future from this one.  There have simply been too many photos and it doesn't look like they took a few and then let her be, either.

Pippa Middleon in London. Photo via Zimbio.

Lastly, the Daily Mail is reporting that Lancome has a new super special product that is supposedly so efficacious it eliminates the need for Botox.  Botox?! So bypassing the extremely long waiting list, Lancome has sent samples to some of their famous clients including Kate and Pippa, and Emma Watson!  How would you respond to getting a special cream that can sub in for Botox?  Emma Watson is only 21 years old!  I guess Lancome is thinking ahead and everyone knows if there is even a rumor that the Middleton girls are using a product sales rise beautiful.  Although, with a waiting list so long, it seems they hardly need the business. Read the more detailed report here at Daily Mail.


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